An aerial view of the William H. Hannon Library with downtown Los Angeles in the distance

William H. Hannon Library

William H. Hannon Library

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two hands holding a tablet showing the homepage of the New york Times
LMU students, faculty, and staff now have expanded access to The New York Times, courtesy of the library. Activate your free access today!
Top half of title page to Shakespeare's folio with his image and a question mark
Shakespeare’s First Folio is one of the most renowned and significant items in our collection. But what is it and how did we come by a copy?
Learn about the requirements and formatting necessary for submitting your thesis to the William H. Hannon Library. We'll break down the essentials for you.
Sean Dempsey
Join us on Apr. 22 when Sean Dempsey (BCLA) will discuss his recent book, "City of Dignity: Christianity, Liberalism, and the Making of Global Los Angeles."
Library research awards information
We are now accepting applications from current students for the 2025 Library Research Awards. Students could win up to $1000 for their class project!
Open conversation on research and structural inequality
The IRDL Scholars Speaker Series is designed to shine a spotlight on voices and ideas that challenge traditional ways of conducting research.
headshots of six librarians
Did you know you can set up office hours with a research expert? Our librarians are available by appointment to help you with your information needs!
Get the latest news from LMU Library, learn about new services, collections, and upcoming events!
Jocelyn Ann Thew
In 2024, undergraduate Jocelyn Ann Thew won grand prize for her work "Speaking Into the Wind: The Impacts of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome."
Lia Chen
In 2023, undergraduate Iliana Chen won grand prize for her work "Environmental Science Curriculum for Elementary Students in Bali."
Sheeba Jacobs
In 2024, graduate student Sheeba Jacob won grand prize for her work "Middle School Teacher Perspectives on Creating Hope for their Students and Themselves."
four students smiling
In 2024, Jahnessa Chanontree, Katie Musfelt, Miranda Myers, and Linnea Trujillo won the group prize for their work on elementary students' learning and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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