Remote Book Delivery Request Form

The William H. Hannon Library is offering mail delivery of books from our general collections to fully remote students and faculty living more than 25 miles from campus. For those within 25 miles of campus, please use the red Request button on the library catalog search page to request your item for pick-up.

Items with limited loan periods are excluded from delivery, including:

  • Media (such as DVDs, VHS, CDs, LPs)
  • Non-circulating books and periodicals
  • Popular Reading Collection
  • Curriculum Materials Collection
  • LINK+ books from other libraries
  • Interlibrary loan books from other libraries

Library staff will verify that the requester is a LMU student or faculty in good standing with the library (no fines or blocks). Books will be checked-out to the requester and sent via USPS. A return address label will not be provided. Requester will be responsible for obtaining return postage and lost or damaged books. Books may take 5-10 days to arrive. Please plan ahead carefully in order to have the time needed to make use of books you request and to have them returned before the due date to avoid library fines. Tracking information and additional return information will be sent via email.

Fill out my online form.